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- Short: V1.85 Check for Archive/Packer/Virus
- Uploader: stoecker@epost.de (Dirk Stoecker)
- Author: stoecker@epost.de (Dirk Stoecker)
- Type: util/arc
- Requires: util/arc/xadmaster.lha
- util/pack/xfdmaster.lha
- util/virus/xvslibrary.lha
- util/pack/xpk_User.lha
- Version: 1.85
- This program uses xfdmaster.library (see util/pack/xfdmaster.lha) and
- xvs.library (util/virus/xvsLibrary.lha) for packer and virus scanning.
- The xadmaster.library (see util/arc/xadmaster.lha) is used to dearchive
- file and disk archives.
- The xfdmaster.library (V39) and xadmaster.library (V10) are needed to
- run the utility. The xvs.library is recommended! The xpkmaster.library
- is needed with ASKPWD password only (and to decrunch XPKF files).
- NOTE: xadmaster.library is Shareware, so think about registering when
- using this utility. See conditions in xadmaster.library distribution.
- CheckX unpacks archives and packed files as deep as possible:
- - you can unarchive a crunched archive as well
- - multiple crunched files can be decrunched
- - multiple archives can be extracted
- - multiple disk archives can be extracted
- - linked and crunched and archived files are no problem
- This all depends mainly on your memory size! If have around 50MB and have
- only little problems with really large files.
- Call CheckX with a ? and you get following argument list:
- Enter a ? again and you get a short doc:
- FROM source file or directory - may contain patterns
- LOG log file name
- SAVE directory, where decrunched files are saved
- ALL scan deep into directories
- ASKPWD ask for password when needed (needs xpkmaster.library)
- PRINTALL print all filenames
- PRINTEXEC print names of all executable files
- NODECRUNCH do not decrunch files with xfdmaster
- NOUNLINK do not unlink files with xfdmaster
- NOUNARCHIVE do not call archiver for unarchiving file archives
- NOUNTRACK do not call archiver for unarchiving track archives
- NOSILENT do not disable dos requests
- NOSTRIP do not strip useless hunks
- NOVIRUS do not scan with xvs.library for viruses
- DEBUG also output texts to serial debug engine
- QUIET do not output texts to console
- SAVEALL saves all files (also uncrunched) except address files
- SECTORCHECK checks the files for virus infected sectors
- A bit more explanation:
- LOG The output is written to a file as well as to the standard
- output stream. The main purpose CheckX was written for is
- to scan for crunched files and to test the decrunch
- routines. So the logging may take some more time, but is
- very stable, as the last log-entry is always the file which
- possibly crashed the machine.
- The logfile can be accessed by other programs for read and write
- the whole time CheckX works (and surely after that). But writing
- is not recommended, as this may produce a corrupted file.
- SAVE If this keyword is given, all uncrunched/unlinked/stripped
- files will be saved in the directory given with that keyword.
- The directory must already exist! Sub directories are created
- automatically.
- If files are unlinked, they get saved with .1, .2, ...
- extensions. Address crunched files are not saved. Use
- xfdDecrunchAddr or xfdDecrunch to do so.
- DEBUG Should not be used normally. This brings the normal output to
- serial debugging terminal or catcher tools like Sushi. This
- allows a lot easier to detect files producing hits.
- ASKPWD Calls the xpkmaster.library password request to get a password.
- For archive files, the password is asked after first decrunching
- it and getting an password error. The inserted password is reused
- for next entries of this archive and only if it is wrong it is
- again requested.
- SECTORCHECK enables XVS sector checking. Note that CheckX checks all files and
- thus may produce wrong detections with normal files (althought this
- should be very rare). This is done to get all disk images checked
- also.
- CheckX has following return values:
- 0 - all ok
- 5 - either no virus checking possible or virus found
- 20 - an error occured and CheckX was unable to do anything
- CheckX cannot scan files, which are read-protected. You get CheckX error 4
- as result in that case. Unprotect files and scan again when you want. For
- files contained in archives, the protection bits are ignored.
- CheckX is completely reentrant and may work fine twice or more times
- parallel (You can set the pure file protection bit and make it resident).
- But it is not recommended to call it multiple times as CheckX normally needs
- lots of memory.
- This is a batch tool, so drink a coffee or two or three during its work.
- Check the logfile afterwards. Use a text-editor and scan case sensitive
- for "-Virus" and you get lines which are related to viruses (and mostly
- only the important lines). A scan with "XFD-", "XAD-", "CheckX-" or
- "-Error" brings lines which produced errors.
- The complete number of found viruses is logged at the file end, if the
- scan found some of them. Also the scan time and the number of errors
- (if some appeared) is logged.
- If the permanent file scrolling slows down your computer try setting the
- output stream to a raw mode display using following redirect command:
- ">RAW:0/11/640/50/CheckX-Output/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT".
- To get CheckX really silent either use LOG option and call CheckX with
- QUIET or redirect normal output into logfile with ">filename".
- CheckX detects all the viruses found by xvs.library, which contains the
- complete antivirus knowledge of VirusZ utility by Georg Hörmann, Alex van
- Niel and Jan Erik Olausen. CheckX cannot remove detected viruses. You
- still need antivirus software like VirusZ, VirusExecutor, VT or
- Virus_Checker. I always run VirusZ in the background to check for viruses.
- CheckX also scans disk archive information texts for packers and viruses,
- bootsectors of dearchived disks and is able to scan for destroyed sectors.
- The memory is scanned once after starting CheckX.
- Error 11 (Could not check for virus) mostly means, that the file is a bit
- to large and such files are normally archives only. So in most cases this
- error is harmless!
- If there are serious errors, please report them, but CheckX has a long
- way of development and I hope it is really stable now.
- Send me files, which cause the system to bring Enforcer/MungWall/PatchWork
- hits or crash the computer. If the files are larger, please contact me
- first.
- This program is Freeware. Use it as you want, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY!
- Contact me at:
- *********************************************************************
- * snail-mail: * e-mail: *
- * Dirk Stoecker * stoecker@epost.de *
- * Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 * dirk@dstoecker.de *
- * 01877 Bischofswerda * world wide web: *
- * GERMANY * http://www.dstoecker.de/ *
- * phone: * pgp key: *
- * GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 * get from WWW pages or keyservers *
- *********************************************************************